Saturday, October 28, 2006

A lazy Saturday morning

Wow, it's almost 1 in the afternoon and I'm still in my pj's and putzing on the computer. Thats what you get for staying up until 4 a.m., though. Nobody else is around in the flat right now and I kind of like it. I'm just catching up on a few things online and listening to my new music that Kris gave me. A little Jem, Imogen Heap, Sufjan Stevens, Regina Spektor, Gnarls Barkley, etc.

Tonight I'm going to dinner with my parents and tomorrow we are headed to Windsor Palace. Then they're headed back home to the states. I think they had a really good time while here- I'm really happy they were able to come. More posting later- I've really gotta get motivated for the day.


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