Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Scotland, here I come!

Okay, so the leaves in this country are HUGE! Kris took this pic of me on our way back from our first formal tea at The Orangery in Kensington Gardens! It was great, and I had the best carrot cake of my life. So I'm all packed up, for the most part, for Scotland. I hope it's not too cold there but I should be ready for it. I'm really excited to see what a long train ride in Europe is like and what it's like to stay in a hostel. Hopefully all goes well because basically our whole group is going on the tour.
Plans are coming along for my travels with Abby- I'm trying really hard to not let the little details stress me out. It will be a great time I hope. Well I'm off to class and then to get some homework done!


At 11/16/2006 10:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindsay, I thought of that picture and thought of Wilson for Home Improvement. I just thought that I would share


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